Monday, December 01, 2008

Diana's Christmas List

As listed by her mother, me:
Diana loves...notepads, pens, workbooks, coloring books, crafts, bath time, Backyardigans, Princesses, Thomas the Train, Dora, Diego, Mickey Mouse and most of all Minnie Mouse.
Stuff we didn't get her but she would love...the Hot Wheels ramp that's $10 at Target (they were sold out when I did my shopping on Friday), puzzles, fingernail polish that's suitable for a 3-year-old who still puts her fingers in her mouth at times.
We are posting this list because we know family will ask what Diana needs for Christmas. Truthfully, she doesn't NEED anything. These are her interests and stuff she would be absolutely thrilled to see on Christmas Day when she opens her presents and stocking. She's had such a great year that's been filled with milestones. Seeing her grow and seeing her develop interests has been so fun for us.
We are thinking about putting her in a dance class once the new year starts because she really does love to dance. It would be good, also, for her to socialize with some other kids her age outside of preschool. We know that the next year will be filled with even more excitement as she inches closer to (gulp) kindergarten.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let us not forget that she is a fan of Ghetto Booty Barbie...badonk-a-donk Barbie...LOL!!