Friday, December 19, 2008

It's worth getting off work later

I took Diana to school the last couple mornings because Matt has practice at 9 a.m. It sucks to have to get off work at 5 p.m. because I don't get into work until 7:45 or 8, but when things like this happen, it's all worth it.
This was a conversation Diana and I had this morning in the car on the way to preschool:

Diana: Mommy, what song is this?
Mommy: This is Jingle Bell Rock
(Silence as Diana is thinking. Even though I can't really see her in the back seat, I can hear her thinking. Must be a Mommy thing.)
Diana: No, Mommy, this is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
Mommy: Oh...(Total shock, embarrassment and a little more shock hits me) I guess you're right. It is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. I get those two mixed up.

Do you think we've listened to enough Christmas music lately? My 3 1/2 year old knows the songs!


Orshi said...

thats too cute! :)

"V" said...

And she just continues to grow up!

Lisa said...

How funny! Don't you hate it when you get schooled by a 3 year old on christmas music? She is just too smart!

I got the Nikon D40 like my sisters. I am no photographer but I love her camera so I copied her great purchase. We'll see what kind of photos I'm able to take.