Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Letter from Diana

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for taking me to preschool in the morning. I have fun with you in the morning, getting ready for school and driving in the car with you. I love that you play the music loud on the radio so we rock out. It really wakes me up and gets me going for the rest of the day.
Thanks for being persistent and teaching me how to shoot the basketball in the basket. Even though I would rather play with my easel or anything else in my playroom, I know that someday, I might change my mind and hit the hardwood and the lessons you are teaching me now are extremely valuable.
Thanks for making me awesome breakfasts, especially on the weekends. Those BIG pancakes are awesome and I don't really think it's necessary for you guys to feed me the rest of the day.
Thanks for tackling me because it's going to make me one tough cookie when I grow up...even though I am pretty tough already.
Thanks for worrying about every scrape, scratch, sniffle and cough that I have. It's good to know that you care.
Thanks so very much for letting Mommy do my hair. Enough said.
Thanks for playing computer games with me. I am getting really good at the memory game and I really enjoy the variety in my play time.
Most of all, thanks for working hard in your job because it teaches me good values. And thanks for giving me big hugs and kisses even after your team loses a tough game. It's nice to know that I can always put a smile on your face and that I am still No. 1.

I love you, Dadddy!


Orshi said...

AWWWWWW too cute

Mama Parker said...

awww!! so sweet!!