Sunday, January 04, 2009

On the DL

I had a little accident on Saturday night while getting ready for Matt's game. I was cutting up some meat and grapes for dinner for Diana and me to eat before Matt's game and I cut my middle finger with the serrated knife. OUCH! I had to call my Mommy who took one look at it and insisted we go to the minor injury clinic at Vacaville Kaiser. It was bleeding pretty good and I was really pale and lightheaded from the sight of all that blood. Long story short, I ended up getting two stitches in my finger and updated my much overdue tetnus shot while I was there. I am getting the hang of typing without my middle left finger. I get the stitches removed next Monday hopefully but until then I have to wear this splint for extra protection. Totally annoying. I haven't tried to hold my camera yet but I am pretty sure I should just take a breather from taking photos of Matt's team for the week. So pissed!
Oh well. I hate knives.


Michelle MGD said...

Can I sign your splint tomorrow night? That would be awesome. I'm bringing a sharpie.

I am kind of glad you can't take pictures. That way you can hang out with me at the game. Actually, I'll probably have to walk up and down the stairs with Diana the entire game but that is ok. I need a good workout!

Mama Parker said...

You poor poor thing! Ouch. That sounds like it really hurt. I've knicked myself with a serrated knife but nothing that serious. Hopefully you can take pictures soon!

Orshi said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear about your accident! That sucks!
HOpe your finger heals fast.

Sorry couldn't make it to the game tonight, i'm sick.