Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend 2009

What a great weekend! It was a time to remember a loved one who is no longer with us, spend some valuable time with those we may not see every day and celebrate a fun holiday.
The weekend started on Saturday morning with Matt and Diana coloring Easter eggs. Matt may not be the craftiest guy but he sure does take a lot of pride in being the one in our family that colors Easter eggs with Diana, decorates and bakes cookies, carves the pumpkins, etc. I love it and I definitely don't mind being behind the camera to capture all the father-daughter moments!
After the Easter eggs, we headed up to the local Dream Street park to take part in the annual Easter egg hunt. The community leaders put thousands of goodie-filled eggs all around the park for the kiddos to grab. Diana was a star this year. She was ready to go and did a fantastic job looking in every nook and cranny for the eggs. After that, Gramma V, Grandpa D, Diana and I headed into Sausalito to catch the ferry boat into the city. It's an Easter tradition for three years now to take the ferry to San Francisco, have lunch and remember Nanny. It was a great time. I must say that I had the best hamburger I have ever had at Neptune's at Pier 39. I know I am pregnant and all, and that may sway my decision-making a bit, but holy cow (pun intended) it was great!
We got home late Saturday and recovered from the busy day with a quiet rest of the evening. (for those wondering where Matt was...The Masters was on this weekend and he didn't remove himself from the couch).
On Sunday, Diana woke up to find the Easter bunny left her quite a few goodies in her Easter basket. She was most excited about all the plastic eggs he left her and about the candy (that she can't eat). It's very colorful though. She later discovered her love for jelly beans. :)
The family came over for a great breakfast cooked by Matt, Diana hunted eggs in the backyard and we played around the house the rest of the day. We had quite a lot of fun playing with Diana's new bubble collection that we used up in all of an hour. It was awesome weather, but we came back inside and did some projects around the house.
We were most excited to get a visit from Uncle Chris, who stopped by when he got off work early. We haven't seen Uncle Chris in a really long time and it was great to have him around again. Things haven't changed...he still cracked jokes, turned Diana upside down and hung her from her ankles and made himself right at home. We wouldn't want it any other way.
In the baby world: The baby has been having parties in my belly over the last week. It's been a lot of fun. The baby definitely likes its space because it moves around the most when I bend over at my belly when I am on the computer at work or something. I have an ultrasound next week (where I will NOT be finding out the sex of the baby) and have a regular checkup tomorrow. I have been really tired so not working out as much, but when I do have energy I try to hop on and do a run-walk for at least 30 minutes. It's not easy, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.
Check out pictures from the weekend here.

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

Hooray for Uncle Chris! I need to stop coming around as often then I can get a shout out in the blog. Au Bob is losing her coolness factor. I need to step it up. Thanks for hosting Easter!