Saturday, April 18, 2009

Valuable Reading

When I went to pick up a copy of a book that I ordered earlier this week at Borders, I noticed a Newsweek magazine that I just HAD to have. The cover story was about finding a cure for epilepsy. I picked it up and as I waited in line, read a few paragraphs. Very interesting reading. Later in the afternoon, after Diana went down for a nap, I read the entire thing - an editorial, an article about a neurologist in New York and some of his patients and a senior advisor for President Obama whose daughter had suffered with epilepsy for more than 20 years.
All enlightening. If you don't know much about epilepsy, I highly recommend picking up this week's copy of Newsweek magazine and taking the 10 minutes to read the three articles in it. It's got some very staggering figures about the number of Americans who struggle with this disease, and the many people who even die from it. I was especially encouraged by the editorial which stated that while many people know someone with cancer and jump out to help that cause (which is great) by donating money, walking in a walk, etc., the signs of an average person with epilepsy aren't as apparent so we don't run out to donate money to find a cure for epilepsy because we don't think it's that common of a disease.
If you don't think you know someone with epilepsy and are thinking that this is a random's not. You DO know someone with!
I am not asking you to donate money or log on to one of the many "find a cure for epilepsy websites." I just want to make sure everyone is informed about epilepsy and understand what it's all about. 10 minutes, read the articles. I promise it will open your eyes!


Michelle MGD said...

I'll go to Barnes and Noble and read it tomorrow!!!

Lisa said...

I miss my fellow prego! We will be ultrasounding together on Thurs. My appt is at 8:15! Secrets are so much fun! I love not knowing!