Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Grow, Amy, Grow!

Amy's home health nurse came by this afternoon to check up on the little one - well, turns out Amy is not such a little one anymore. The biggest thing we like about the home health nurse (besides being very encouraging and offering great tips and advice) is that she weighs Amy. Otherwise, we would have to wait until doctor appointments to find out how much she's growing. Amy's home health nurse is a woman in her 50s and she's super nice. She genuinely cares about Amy and our family so when the scale read what it did today, she was thrilled just as much as I was. That was something that wouldn't happen at the doctor appointment with a nurse there.
Anyway, on to the good news. The last time Amy was weighed by this nurse, Amy was just home from the hospital and weighed 4 lbs 5 oz. Two days later, she had a doctor appointment and weighed 4 lbs 8 oz.
Today, she weighed 6 lbs 5 oz! So exciting. I called Matt right away and he couldn't believe it. I texted my mom and she called me immediately and was thrilled. The girl is growing so fast!
To put it all in perspective, remember that Amy was born almost six weeks ago and was just 2 lbs 15 oz. Technically, she is still supposed to be in my tummy for one more week. It's just amazing and truly a blessing that we have such a (ahem, TWO) healthy girls under our roof!


Amy Collins said...

That's great, so glad to hear she is thriving and doing so well. I wouldn't expect anything less though with all the love surrounding her.

Michelle MGD said...

Go Amy!!! I am so proud of her! She will be a chunky monkey before we know it. :)

Orshi said...

Yaay Amy! Grow little munchkin! Alex will need a new friend soon! Hugs to you all!