Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Last Seven Days

Upon talking to my father in law last night, I realized there's been a lot going on that I haven't written about. So, here goes:

Me: I ran two miles last week on the treadmill. One mile at a time and at a very slow 15-minute pace. Matt insisted that I take it easy so I did. It was a very slow jog but I was sweating and my heart rate was up so that's good. It's kinda nice to be able to run at any hour of the night (I run while Matt is feeding Amy at around 9 p.m.). I always tell myself that once Amy eats in the morning, I am going to go back to bed for a little bit but that never happens. I get hungry then find a million things that can make my day a more productive one. I am also doing some abs, but not 400. I made that mistake once. Just 50-100 crunches a day. Baby steps!

Diana: She is working her way through Hop on Pop. She has memorized the book but when we read it out of order, she still reads the words right so I know there is some reading going on. When we read other books, I ask her to read the words she knows and she does a great job. I am so proud of her! We also did a craft project. We cut out words that she knows from old magazines and glued them on some blank pages and created her "Diana Book." Diana's constant reminders to me to sign her up for ballet and soccer finally sank in and she will be starting those again in October.

Amy: Where do I start with this one? We aren't swaddling her anymore, for starters. She was fighting it every step of the way and it wasn't worth the restless nights. So we put her in feetsie PJs and cover her with a somewhat heavy blanket and she's getting much better sleep. Her home health nurse came for the final visit last week and weighed Amy at 7 lbs. 3 oz. It was a great visit. Then, on Monday, we went to the pediatrician where she was seen by her regular pediatrician (Diana's pedi, who we love!). Amy weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs. 10 oz. The doctor said we can stop giving her the vitamins and iron drops, which was great because they made her spit up more. We can also switch to regular formula soon and not give her the preemie formula she's been on. It's very exciting!

Matt: Daddy has been very busy with football games, meetings and practice but he still makes time to color, take trips to the park and pay us all lots of attention.

We are one happy family and adjusting to our new routines quite well!


Michelle MGD said...

I love the family of 4 updates. Please do that more often! I get giddy everytime I see that you have a new blog post up because I love hearing about how everyone is doing. So proud of Diana for reading, so proud of Amy for gaining weight, so proud of YOU for running and so proud of Matt for being an awesome basketball coach, husband and father.
I love your family!

Orshi said...

Good to hear you are all doing so well!

Shaylyn said...

I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well! I can't believe Amy is almost 8 lbs!!! I can't wait to see her again... it's been since Walnut Creek since I've seen her! I bet she doesn't even look like the same baby! :)