Sunday, July 17, 2011

My backyardigan

It doesn't matter what the temperature is outside, my girls always want to play outside. I am fine with that. Let's get the sunscreen out and head outdoors! With Diana at camp during the day for a couple weeks, Amy and I have been playing outside more often. It's nice that the temperatures haven't reached triple digits too many days so far this summer so she can actually play in the sun and I don't have to move her backyard toys to the shade.
I texted Matt a picture of Amy playing with the water table one day when it was a little hot and he replied "I can't believe she wants to be outside." She's a kid...what kid doesn't want to play outdoors!

One Friday, I decided to test Amy's artistic abilities outside of crayons. I got out the tempura paint, pinned up a piece of poster paper onto the fence and let her have at it. Now remember, Amy has never painted a day in her life. And she doesn't like to be messy (hmmm, I wonder where she got that from?). I brought the camera outside and knew that it was going to be a Kodak moment.

Here's Amy's adventures with the water table on a very hot June day.

She loves her ducky.

That's a smile worth a million bucks!

Here's Amy's awesome artwork (I got the smock - a two-pack - at Ikea. The only good purchase I have ever made at that store).

Amy checking out her messy hands.

Sometimes we get a little on our faces, but it's OK.

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