Thursday, July 21, 2011

When I am strong, my kids are healthy

I am not what my husband likes to call a "mental midget." I like to think that I am mentally tough. It's that mental toughness that gets me through every day and helps me run a functional household.
Sure I am tired throughout the day. When you get up at 5 a.m. to exercise five days a week you are bound to get tired at some point. But there are little people running around that need attention, need to see sunlight and need to be entertained. There's also a house that needs to be cleaned, meals to cook and diapers that need to be changed. Plus, it's not healthy for me to be couped up in the house all day either. So I push through the tired.
When I want to just sit down and roam the internet for a job for 15 minutes, I glance over and my 2-year-old is making a mess of the living room. That can't happen so I get off the internet and have her help me clean up. When I would rather stay in the house all day then take the kids to the park, I can't. That's not fair to them. So, I lather them up with sunscreen and we head out. Do we walk, ride bikes or take the car? Most of the time we take the car, but let's walk today...or ride a bike. Sure, one might say that my kids are a little spoiled because I am giving in to their every need, but they are kids and it's summertime. This is their time to have some fun and not have any pressure on them. When Mommy and Daddy have jobs and we are on a tighter schedule, they have more limitations. Now, let's just have fun.
When I put the girls down for bed at night and I come downstairs and take a breath, it's nice. That's MY time. I finally get to relax, read a book, look for a job, watch television, bake whatever I want to do.
It's not easy being mentally tough, but my kids are mentally healthy because of it!


Michelle MGD said...

You go girl! You and your kids are awesome!!!

Amy Collins said...

Enjoyed your blog Angela! It's not easy to fight the mental fatigue, I go through it a lot. but it's what we signed up to do. I always tell Bryan we are going to feel like we were hit by a semi in twenty years with kind of crazy going on. But I wouldn't trade it for the world!