Tuesday, July 12, 2011

An overrated skill

It was decided a while back at Amy's 2-year preemie checkup that she would start speech therapy. I am not one to argue with the doctors but I did tell them that I didn't think it was necessary. They insisted, saying that it couldn't hurt. OK, I said, still showing my displeasure.
Diana was a late talker, Matt was a late talker and they are both fine to the best of my knowledge.
Fast forward to about three weeks ago when Amy had her initial assessment. She passed with flying colors in all the developmental stages. She only struggled in the verbalization test...obviously.
Today, she had her first assessment with her speech therapist. It wasn't an actual appointment because she still has to get approved by a board to get speech therapy. The therapist was impressed with Amy's development and her intelligence. She even taught us some sign language - something that I have always been a little against. Amy knows how to sign "More cookies please." It's funny though because Amy knows how to say "please" so she does the sign for "more cookies" and then says please.
The therapist was here for 45 minutes and conducted a couple tests. Amy loves the test part. The therapist brought a picture book to warm Amy up to her and she was into it as I chatted with the therapist. Once she brought out the cards to test her abilities though, Amy perked up and got down to business. She correctly identified several objects in the book, impressing the therapist tremendously. It was fun.
We won't hear from the therapist about our next appointment for a couple weeks because she has to file a report and then it is presented to the board at their site who then recommends or denies Amy speech therapy. The therapist doesn't think Amy will be denied. In the meantime, she gave us some activities to practice with Amy. We have to make sure she's looking at our mouth when we are talking to her and there are some letters we should practice with more than others because they are easier for a beginning talker to use.
It's all so intense. When she's ready to talk, she'll talk. She communicates very well. We know what she wants and she knows what we are saying. She's a very smart girl and I am not worried about her at all. Being a preemie has not hindered her development one bit - outside of this whole talking thing.

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

She can say "Bob." I'm satisfied with her language development!