Thursday, June 11, 2009

27 weeks

I can't believe I only have three months to go in this pregnancy. The first thing people ask me when they notice that yes, I am pregnant and not just fat is "When is your due date?" When I tell them September...they say, "Oh, you are going to be pregnant all summer!" No! Really? It's not like I hadn't thought of that. While we did plan to get pregnant, sometimes the weather is not the first thing on your mind when you are in baby-making mode....well, at least not with me. I have a much cuter wardrobe this pregnancy than I did when I was pregnant with Diana and I think a lot of that is due to me being pregnant in a warmer season. I will drink more water, stay cool and put my hair in a ponytail a lot. I will deal, just like a lot of women do. No biggie!
So far, I am feeling great! Everyone tells me I look good and I am very proud that I have only put on a pound a week since I found out I was pregnant. I am still walking on the treadmill (on an incline) 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes and eating relatively good. I do have some not so great for me food cravings every now and then, but I still haven't been to Taco Bell (the Devil) and a little ice cream never really hurt a pregnant lady, right?
The biggest issue I have now is the growing belly and doing my every day activities without much of a core. It's harder for me to give Diana a bath at night, harder for me to stretch after walking, very uncomfortable to sleep on nights when I don't work out and sometimes hard to find a comfortable position to sit in on my chair in the living room. I am figuring it out though.
Oh and the baby kicks a lot at night. Around 9:30 p.m. it tells me to go to bed and then gives me a nice baby massage on my belly as I try to fall asleep. It also wakes me up in the morning with another belly massage. Thanks, kid!
My feet are starting to swell a little too. I am not too worried yet about a recurrance of pre-eclampsia (which I had with Diana) because my blood pressure has been real good (even on the low side) at my doctor appts and the swelling is normal (so says the book) for someone who is sitting at a desk all day.
I tried to go for a walk inside my office the other day to get some blood circulating in my feet and get some exercise. I walked down to the mailroom on the first floor and then back up three flights of stairs to deliver a thank you card to one of the VPs up there. I was out of breath when I got to her office. It was real embarassing. I said "I swear, I am not out of shape!" I don't think she believed me. I went back to my office on the second floor and caught my breath.
I feel real bad when I get home though and I just want to put my feet up and Diana is used to me playing with her or doing chores around the house. We have been sitting still a lot lately and coloring in her coloring books so hopefully she can stick with that activity for the next three months.
She also invented a game that requires me to watch called "The Jumping Pillow Game" where she takes all the pillows from the couches, sets them up around the living room, runs around and touches each one with her feet and then vaults herself into our big chair. I am sitting on the couch during this game with my feet up and as long as I critique her jumps, she's happy. Piece of cake!
I hope I am not jinxing the odds of me finishing this pregnancy on a healthy note, but I am very proud of my progress so far and excited to deliver this baby without the help of drugs or surgery.
Keep me in your thoughts!


Michelle MGD said...

I'm so proud of you!!! You do look so amazing and it is great that you have not visited Taco Bell. Stay away!!!! No more scary moments at the hospital please. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Amy Collins said...

Sounds like you are doing great. Oh the joys of being pregnant, I don't really miss any of it, well maybe the baby kicks. You are right about the summer, it's not so bad to be pregnant in the summer. Although I found that I would have a lot of contractions in the end, but than I went on to have the baby 3wks early!

Orshi said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow! Very proud of you, you have so much more self control than I did, I went to all the junk food places I could find.!