Monday, June 22, 2009

The return to scrapbooking

Yes, you read right. I have returned to scrapbooking. In all the reorganization of the office/scrapbooking area/baby's room, I realized that I have a TON of really good scrapbooking stuff. Lots of tools, lots of product. It's all gone unused for the better part of 2 years. Sad, really.
And though I know I will be one of those moms who scrapbooks the heck out of her first kid and not the second, I am going to do my darndest to make this second kid a scrapbook for its first year of life.
I took more than 100 pictures of our family trip to Carlsbad and I figured, heck, why not make a scrapbook for Diana for her birthday? In the last year or so, a couple local scrapbooking stores have closed. Sad, really. So, I grabbed my coupon from Joann Fabric and headed to the store for some supplies. I realize now how those local scrapbooking places have gone out of business. The craft stores have taken over the scrapbook market! They have absolutely everything. Crazy. I decided not to go to Michaels because a)they didn't have a coupon that weekend; b) it's always swamped in there and you wait in line forever; c)I wanted to avoid the Martha Stewart scrapbooking collection.
When I got all my products and album (I decided to make an 8x8 album for D)I sat down immediately during naptime one day and got a ton done. I still have the touch and finished it in three sittings. It's awesome and she actually opened it tonight. Matt looked at the finished product the other night and said "This is great! She's gonna wanna sleep with it ya know?" Well, thanks for the ego boost, but that wasn't quite her reaction. While she did love it and carefully flipped through each page, it wasn't the choice to bring to bed.
I hope she shows it off to family that comes over and remembers our great trip to San Diego for a long time to come!

1 comment:

Mama Parker said...

Yay! I wish we lived closer to each other and could scrap together. I haven't done anything in awhile. Isabella loves to look at the scrapbooks. D will definitely appreciate all your hard work when she is older!