Thursday, November 19, 2009

The no-cavity club

Diana had her third visit to the dentist today. I wasn't sure how she was going to do considering she threw a monster tantrum this morning. I actually walked into the dentist and told them that I didn't think she would be sitting for them today. I had accepted that it just wasn't going to happen. And this was after she had completely settled down and was playing in the lobby of the dentist office.
she sat and colored and played in my purse while I had my teeth cleaned and when it was her turn, she eagerly went with the hygenist, Eve, to her chair. She still had to sit on my lap, but she opened her mouth and let Eve clean her teeth with the same automatic toothbrush they use on adults (I later found out that they used cookie dough-flavored toothpaste on her..jealous!). Diana then let Eve floss her teeth. I was amazed!
The dentist then came over and Eve explained that he wanted to count her teeth. I said, "Diana, you know how many teeth you have!" Last time we were at the dentist, he told her how many and my kid has this great memory.
"Twenty," she said confidently.
The dentist just about fell out of his chair. He stopped what he was doing and just looked at me in a state of shock. He couldn't believe that a four-year-old would remember such a thing.
I was so proud!
He looked at her teeth, praised her for taking such great care of them and rewarded her with a purple toothbrush, stickers and a ribbon that inducted her into the No Cavity Club. Me proud once again!
Later in the day, Diana told me: "Mommy, I had so much fun at the dentist!"
Yeah, if I got four stickers, a ribbon, a new purple toothbrush and all the attention in the world...I would be loving it too!
All I got was a stinkin' box of travel-sized toothpaste and a reminder to go visit the periodonist!


Michelle MGD said...

Good job Diana!! I don't think I have ever said that I had fun at the dentist. Especially this week when I had to get a filling and impressions for my night guard. But I am glad she is in the no cavity club!

Mama Parker said...

What a big girl! I need to get Isabella in for a check-up.