Thursday, November 12, 2009

So close, yet so far away

Amy has been sleeping in her crib at night for about a week now. She does pretty well and even if she wakes up and fusses, we stumble across the hallway, give her Soothie and she falls back asleep. I have only had to pick her up and snuggle with her twice in the last week.
The first night she was in there, I think I checked on her five times during the night. And last night, she slept from 12:30 a.m. till her next feeding at 5 a.m. I woke up a couple times during the night and didn't hear a peep from her on the monitor and nearly freaked out.
But Matt and I have taken back our room! No more tip-toeing around the room avoiding the creaky spots on the floor, no more brushing our teeth in another bathroom in the house. I don't have to worry about Amy waking up because Matt is snoring. :)
It's kinda weird though when I peep in on Amy and she's all swaddled, just her little head popping out of the blanket. We also have two blankets on top of her so all you see is a little teeny tiny head lying on this huge mattress.
Then I go next door and check on Miss D and there she is in her big ole bed snoring away. My girls, though four years apart, are getting older every day!

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

Amy is such a big girl now! Both of the girls are!!!