Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break - Day 6

Adult conversation is definitely what I miss the most about working. There are days when I don't get out of the house because there's too much to do around here. I talk to a five-year-old and a 1-year-old all day and that drives me nuts. I love my kids, but the conversations I have with them are not keeping my brain fresh at all.

I got a call two weeks ago about a job in San Francisco. I was a little off my game of talking to adults so I am guessing that I sounded like an idiot or they would've called me back for an interview by now. I have to be more prepared for these random calls in the middle of the day from potential employers or I may never be employed again.

(Sidebar: I don't count weekends as Spring Break so Monday was considered Day 6 of Diana's Spring Break.)

I talked to a Mom last week about having our girls get together for a playdate. She's off from work on Mondays and I really like this mom so I wanted to be able to visit with her and not just drop my kid off.

So, I took Diana over to their house on Monday. They live right around the corner from us and the girl that's in Diana's class has a younger sister and an older sister. The older sister had a friend over as well so it was all girls all the time.

I had the chance to have adult Mom conversation for almost three hours! I know I shouldn't type that with an exclamation point, but I did. That's how excited I was. The other little girl's mom was there with her 11-week-old son so it was nice to sit, drink the Starbucks they bought :) and not have to worry about kids for a couple hours.

I could've stayed there all day and night, but you can't just sit at someone's house for hours on end and I could tell Diana was getting a little restless. Hopefully there will be more playdates. I love those things!

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

San Francisco is too far. Something will come along. You are doing such a great job being at home. :) Send cookies my way please.