Thursday, November 13, 2008

Funny Little Diana

Diana is almost 3 1/2 and she's quite the little chatter box. Her vocabulary is growing and she says some things sometimes that make us absolutely crack up. Here's sampling. If I think of more in the next couple days, I will add them:

I was explaining to Diana one day about scouting and how Matt goes to watch his opponents play against other teams. He writes down their plays, sees what defenses they run, etc. I told her one night that he was in Sacramento scouting. She said "Mommy, only Au Bob and Uncle Chris can live in Sacramento!"

One morning Diana and I got ready for our day before Matt and we started to make our way downstairs to make breakfast. Diana yelled back "Daddy, we'll meet you downstairs!"

The other day, we were driving home from preschool and John Mayer's "Say" came on the radio. All of a sudden, I hear a little voice coming from the back of the car singing right along with the radio. Diana was singing the chorus right on with the radio. I couldn't believe it. She says "Mommy, sing with me!" I wanted to sing with her, but I wanted to hear her too. Such a dilemma!


Mama Parker said...

Funny girl!

Michelle MGD said...

I love that she knows where we live!