Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My mullet baby

I don't have any pictures to show yet because I am still trying to figure out if I can get the right angle on her hair for you to be able to tell but Diana got a hair cut the other day.
This wasn't the kind we paid for. Some little girl decided that she wanted to get a head start on her cosmetology career by practicing on my daughter. I got a call mid-morning from KinderCare on Monday saying that the teacher turned her back for one second and when she turned around, one of the little girls was cutting Diana's hair. They were cutting magazines with the scissors and the girl decided that magazines = boring and hair = fun!
The school is taking action against the teacher because she wasn't paying close enough attention to the class...ya think? When I went to pick up Diana after school that day, the director of the school was extremely apologetic. I understand these things happen. What kid hasn't either cut their own hair with scissors or cut someone else's hair? But when you look at the area where Diana's hair was (for lack of a better word) slaughtered, she looks like she has a mullet. It's kinda funny. I can't do much with it because the girl cut a good chuck of it off. I don't know that my hair lady would be able to do much either and she's a miracle worker.
So, the last couple days, I have just been playing with the area where there used to be long golden locks. It's just short now...waiting to grow back. My poor lopsided child.
Of course, it was no big deal to Diana. She did tell me the name of the girl who cut her hair and the teacher who was in the class at the time not supervising.
Today, when I went to pick up Diana, one of the girls who I see every day said to me "I apologized to Diana." I didn't know what she was talking about because I never knew her name. I said "Oh, you must be ..." She got kind of embarassed and said "Yes." I said "It's OK, accidents happen." I was way too nice. All this time, I thought that girl was like 5 or 6 and just in the class in the mornings before they took her to her school. She looks WAY old! It really surprised me that she was the one who cut D's hair. I might have to go back to the director and ask more questions. If this girl is older, there's no way she should be in a class with 3 and 4 year olds. Just more drama at K'Care!


Michelle MGD said...

pictures asap please. I'm glad the little girl said sorry.

Orshi said...

yes please pictures, but i would seriously question that girl, if she is that much older wouldn't she know not to cut someone else's hair?

Mama Parker said...

Oh no! Poor little lady. Hopefully it grows back fast!!